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Join the CPNA

We welcome all 18 years old + residents who live within the City Point Boundaries to join the CPNA. By joining, you become eligible to vote on official CPNA topics. 


Membership must be renewed each year if you would like to remain a full CPNA member. New members can join at any point of the year, but memberships expire on August 31st each year.


Online payment includes $2 to cover online processing fees. 


Rather pay via check to avoid the online processing fees? 


Annual dues are $20 for an individual membership and $30 for a family membership

Fill out our contact form and send your check City Point Neighborhood Association, P.O. Box E-37, South Boston, MA 02127.


Complete the form and submit payment to join

Select Membership - Includes $2 online processing fee

Thanks for submitting!

Join Form
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